Ok, so this blog updating this is harder than I thought. From getting Kyli to take her naps, to encouraging her to sleep through the night, and now she's teething, there isn't much time left in the day to blog about her. Oh dear, where does the time go? One thing I learned is that babies are always changing and to always try different things. Isn't that true! Kyli is always one step ahead of us. This week, she found her fingers then finally, her thumbs. Boy, does she love them. It settles her down for naps and helps her soothe herself to sleep. Its cute, because when she sucks her thumbs, the rest of her hand covers her face because she's so tiny. She will even fall asleep with her thumb in her mouth. Will we regret it later? Maybe, but for now I'm just enjoying watching her soothe herself. It makes me proud and happy that she has reached this development stage.
Last night she slept from 7pm -7am, woke up for a feeding, then went right back to sleep from 8am-10am! Crazy girl. She must get it from her mom, who loves to sleep in. You won't hear me complain about that! I'm crossing my fingers that it will happen more often. But then again, she's prob. playing a joke on me. ;-)
I can't believe how fast she has grown. Today, I put her 'newborn' clothes away. It makes me sad and happy at the same time.. sad that she will never fit those cute, adorable clothes again (and thankfully so, she's growing) yet happy that she's growing and thriving. At the moment, she is crying -waking up from her 'to short' nap. I'm thankful that I get to hear her cry, and that she is crying. When she was born, I longed to hear her cry, especially after her surgery, which signified to me that she was alive. Thank you God for giving us such a loving, complicated, healthy baby. We are so thankful for your gifts this Thanksgiving season.
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