Thursday, December 27, 2007

How was your Christmas?

I had a great time at Christmas... visiting and catching up with family, who I don't see quite often enough. With all the little kids running around now, it was fun to experience Christmas through their eyes. Even though hubby had to work that day, he got to visit for a bit and share in the gathering. Even though I feel like 10 pounds heavier with the 24 hour eating marathon, Christ's birthday made me reflect on how much we are blessed with and thankful for.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Festivus ChristmaKhah! 2008, here we come!

Grammie and Grandpa Bernardin -So happy after 50 years!

Cute photo of Keith's grandparents.

Grammie and Grandpa Bernardin's 50th Anniversary

In November, we went to Sacramento to celebrate Keith's grandparent's 50th Anniversary. What a treat it was to see Keith's extended family and spend some time with them.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 2007

My sister Evelyn gave birth to a baby girl, Sydney Manguy. Here she is at 2 1/2 months. Another excuse to go shopping for cute baby clothes!

Baby Sydney

A few wedding photos

Haven't been really good with updating my blog, so here are a few photos from our wedding... its already been 6 months!

Kathy, Keith and David

Happy Kathy

Seeing each other for the first time

Wedding photo highlights

Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm Married!

Ok, so although I vow to be a good blogger and a frequent one, um.. I don't think I could be one. Sorry. Well, to give you guys an update- I'm married! Yay- Keith and I had an amazing wedding- we loved every minute of it- and TODAY is our 2 month anniversary! (so cheesy, huh?) Although its only 2 months, it feels like its ben 6 months already. All the anticipation for one day, and its over- I guess adds to the feeling of "where did the time go?" Keith's gone for a few days for work, leaving me on my lonesome. Oh well, even more reason to spend money. ;-)
Click here to see our wedding slide show

Monday, May 21, 2007

20 more days

Yes, unbelievable but true... I'm getting married in less than 20 days! The wedding planning process has been an interesting experience nonethless, and we're thrilled and excited to spend the rest of our lives together... (well at least I am!) Everything is set in motion, but there are just a few final details yet to be resolved. After the wedding, its Hawaii baby!

Monday, April 23, 2007

The BIG day is almost here!


So its a month and a few days away until I'm getting hitched! Yes, I will become a "Mrs" - crazy but true. Its been a nutty, eventful last 4 months since I last posted- > my days have been filled with endless wedding planning/organizing/managing/a little bit of everything. I'm turning the graceful age of the big 29 this Thursday. Alas, the twienties are almost over. What a way to celebrate leaving my 20s with a wedding. God help me. God save my wedding! I know, I'm being dramatic, I think its the lack of sleep I've been getting over the past few days. Hope everyone is well, I miss all of you!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy New Year

We're quickly into the second week of 2007 and I am still figuring out my New Years resolution. Like many of my friends, I had a hard time letting go of 2006. Last year signified many changes-professionally and personally. I changed jobs, traveled, made new friends, caught up with childhood friends, transitioned into my "late" twenties, (contrary to popular belief, "late" twenties start when you're 28) and got engaged toward the end of the year. As I remember 2006, I had a lightbulb moment: As I start a new chapter in my life this year and anticipate many transitions (some extremely stressful) my goal is that I will pause and enjoy every season of my life, as I may never experience them again. I hope to be eternally grateful for all that I have and always give my thanks to God for everything.