Wednesday, March 04, 2009

And baby makes three

Its been taking me a while to post on this blog. For those of you who know, Keith and I are expecting a baby this summer. The past three months has been filled with ambivalent, fear, excitement, new experiences, anxiety, hopes and dreams as we have gradually accepted the reality of becoming parents and having a human being rely on us for everything. So hence, my hesitation to announce my pregnancy and our new life change. Also, I'm working on "waiting for the other shoe to drop" mentality, as this news, at times was too good to be true. Somebody pinch me!
I'm now in my 17th week and starting to show. I've got as Keith would call it a "little kangaroo pooch". ;-)
At times I can't wait to meet my little bean sprout and hold my baby in my arms, yet also dread the days of sleepless nights. Regardless, this year is sure to be an interesting and an eventful one!
Sorry for the delayed post. I hope to continue to post more often from now on, since I've got a lot going on inside of me! ;-)


Wisners said...

We're soooo excited for you!
Just remember... the sleepless nights are just a phase, and then your little one will be grown. Each stage has it's good/bad attributes. You just roll with each one as it comes and try to enjoy each moment. It goes by so fast.
You guys are going to be wonderful parents!

evil-lyn said...

congratulations! a little bit late, but...looking forward to hearing/reading more about your little one!