Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My parent's trip to China

Keith and I heard the funniest story from my parents. We went over to vist them when they got back from a 10 day vacation to China. As we were reviewing their pictures, here is how the conversation went with one particular photo:
Kathy: Mom, what does the two finger salute mean in this photo?
Mom: Which photo?
Kathy: This one (and referring to the photo you see above)
Mom: (chuckling) Oh, I don't know
Kathy: You don't know? Then why are you making that sign?
Mom: Well, we saw alot of other people making that same sign in our tour group as they were posing for photos, so we thought we should too"

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Aren't parents funny? Love the new layout...makes me want to redo mine. :)